Tuesday, September 1, 2009


OK, this post want be that long, but I was watching I love My Antonio the other night and I think it's a little soap operay. He kept his ex wife on because she crashed his date by tracking him down on a jet ski when he was making out with a human inflatable doll. Trust me when I say, the girl he was on the date with was all plastic.
At the end of the show, it was down to two girls who were going to be kicked off the show, his ex wife and some other girl. Guess what, he picked his ex-wife because he liked what she did on the jet ski. I told my husband he would pick her before he did, he from the soaps, so he likes drama and the ex will keep up his ratings. None of the others girls like her, so,she is drama just like New York was in Flavor of Love. She will add new meaning to the show each week and people will tune in to see what will happen the next week, she is the suspense of the show. Go figure America.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Madonna in her effort

I have a topic that I would like to discuss that makes me mad and it's called racism, yes people racism. I recently read an online article from OMG that was in the files of Yahoo about Madonna. She performed in Eastern Europe and had gypsies perform with her and she later made a statement concerning them. Some of the people in the crowd sided with her and the rest disagreed and they did so by booing her statement. She also mentioned other things in her statement that I wish not to talk about.
Needless to say, she carried on with the concert. One of the members of the crowd was interviewed and said they didn't think her statement was sincere and she had no right to speak of those things. Perhaps she didn't go any further with her statement because she thought about people not coming to a concert for a lecture and they paid good money for their tickets.
I don't know if this was the place for her to speak about the discrimination, I am glad she made her point. In my opinion and this is just my opinion, I think the angry crowd goer became mad because of what she said, not way she said it.
I plainly see that discrimination is not only a problem in a America, but in other places too. Come on people you think about, it discrimination and racism is just plain stupid. I mean think about it, you don't like somebody because of the color their skin or perhaps of their culture. To me, that doesn't make a lot of sense, a variety of colors is beautiful. A lot of the same color gets pretty dull after a while, I like what my husband says and that is he's like to have friends of all culture so he can learn about them. We can learn to agree to disagree, Oh I wish I had an audience. Like the Bible states "how can we walk together unless we both agree. Oh come on somebody, hallelujah people.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The latest

By now, I'm pretty sure everybody has heard the latest on the Michael Jackson investigation and that is death is being ruled as a homicide. First I would like to say that I feel really bad for the Jackson family because they loss a love one, Katherine and Joe loss a son and the Jackson children loss brother. I can't say I know how Mr and Mrs Jackson feel because I've never loss a child lead alone have any, but I know how his siblings feel because I to loss a sibling last December.
It's a good thing that a lot of people don't read this blog because a lot of Micheal's fans would not be happy of what I am about to say and that is Micheal's death should not be ruled as a homicide. I'm don't see why this case is being ruled in his favor, when he was taking this medication and no one was holding a gun to his head. Well, somebody might say what if he didn't know what he was taking, than I say he should have researched it and found out what he was taking.
Sure, his doctor should be charged with something, with what, I'm not sure. I don't know with what because I'm not a legal expert, but he should be charged because he administered medication in the wrong circumstance. I read somewhere that the medication he gave Mr. Jackson was used to give to patients before they get some type of surgery. People may disagree with me, but it's OK to agree to disagree with me, but it's not the doctor's fault he died, I think it's Michael's. He should have been more careful and aware of the medication they took. Lisa Marie Presely said on her blog that this was Michael's worst fear of dying like her father did and that was from overdose. But sadly Micheal in fact died that way from an overdose of medication administered by his doctor.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Real Chance of Love,not another show


No, not another reality show about Real Chance of Love. Why did VH1 give them another show.I knew they would be back. Let's face it, they are not looking for Love, but a fling and to promote their music. The girls that are coming on the show are not on the show looking for love either, but they are trying to be in the spot light so they can get their own show and become a reality star. OK, I going to say what half of America thinks and that is everybody on the show are Losers.
I mean come on who would actually go on a show to meet some wanna bees trying to start a music career who claims to be in their late 20's. Lies, there all lies, I mean come on these guys are in there 30's. Real's hair is just entirely too long, besides he has extensions in his head, what woman wants that. I mean I'm going to get my hair done so I can look nice and in return you're asking me what's the name of the salon I go to because you want to get your extensions touched up. I'm just saying, his hair situation is off the chain and it's not even right. Chance has some obvious hair style issues as well, what's going on with his head, one minute it's a Mohawk and the very next it's braids. I think he may very well wear weave in his head too.
One of the girls said something like she is crazy or has a mental problem and so does Chance and he seemed to be offended by this statement, but I agree with her. Chance appears to be a little touched in the head. He does not act like a grown man at all, but a child who has not and will not grow up. Perhaps he's stuck in Michael Jackson's world of Never Never land and not growing up What woman wants a man that she has to take care like a child, no one and if she does she's obviously crazy. After this show VH1, please don't bring those losers back for another run.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hot News


So I haven't been on the site in a little over a month, but that's fine because I'm just writing to myself. I know it's funny because I have my own site posted to my favorites and for what, I don't know. So what are some hot topic, they appear be the same since I last post. It appears that Jon and Kate has had a fight over the weekend. Jon has been running around with his new girlfriend on a vacation. Kate appeared on Regis and Kelly and things Regis said I think made Kate feel uncomfortable. I don't know why he said he thinks they will get back together. Joel McHale said that he don't why Regis said what he said and obviously Regis never saw the show, lol.
But I seriously don't think the two will get back together. I also think that TLC should pull the plug on the show. Micheal Jackson will finally buried, why are they still talking about this

Monday, June 29, 2009

Fallen Stars

Well as we know that as of last week a few big names died, as matter of fact two with in the same day. The first to die last week was Mr. Ed Mcmahon. A lot of people mourned his death, but as I always say if you live to be that old, than you've lived your life and people should think of all the good things they did. A few day later Ms. Farrah Fawcett died at the age of 62 and then with in hours of her death the King of Pop Micheal Jackson died which caught people by surprise, and sadly the infomerical announcer BillyMays died yesterday at the same age as Mr Jackson did, at the age of 50.
The thing that is making so mad is that people are not making the same fuss over the deaths of Fawcett or Mcmahon and I'm guessing because they may not be as famous as he. But as I recall MJ was not in the lime light for some years because after his molestation trial people dogged him out. It was inhuman and outrageously ridiculous the way they talked about this man. He was treated like a dog, but yet they want to praise him as he was a God. It's OK to mourn his death and miss him, but leave the stricken mourning to his family and closet friends, the people who loved him no matter what the media or those lying little boys and their mothers who said MJ molested their children. The thing that pisses me off the most is that he may have died a torched soul because he didn't know any one cared for him the way they said they did.
He was in pain, but nobody cared, I think he may needed some psychological help, but nobody cared and so he disappeared from the public because people treated him like a vicious monster, talking about his looks, his voice and now they want to miss. My prayers go out to the Jackson family and his dear friends like Liza Minnelli, Elizabeth Taylor and so many more and his dearest fans who believed in him no matter what. My Prayers go out to out the celebrities families and friend who died last week or for anyone who died recently because I truly know how they feel having lost a sister last December.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Jon and Kate will seperate


OK, so I haven't been on here for a while, but some new development has happened since I wrote last about Jon and Kate. No, I am not obsessed with them, I think their whole dilemma is very sad. On last night's show the couple announced they would separate, Kate is to stay with the children in Pennsylvania in the kids house (Jon and Kate said that they bought the house for the children) and Jon will be moving to New York. I don't know why he is moving to New York if he so close to the children.
Kate seems to try and pin everything on Jon and I don't know why because she plays a big part as to why they are getting a divorce. A few people on Kate's blog on TLC website hit it right on the nose when they said they blame both Jon and Kate for their marriage ending. One writer wrote that they put the show first and not their family and I agree. In my opinion, I think they should have pulled the show and should have taken some marriage counseling, some type Christians they are, not so much.
A lot of viewers like Kate blamed their failing marriage on Jon , but I say it's wrong. No Kate, no viewers, just Jon like Kate is to blame for the ending of the marriage too. She sat in that chair last night sobbing and sad , she seem quite the passive type to me last night a different Kate, not like the boss Kate, perhaps,a girly girl and not a man the way she usually acts. I don't know, maybe she seem to be kind-hearted, maybe if she showed Jon a kind-heart they wouldn't be headed for divorce. But it's three sided to every story, his side, her side and the truth, and while we may never know the truth the two still must work together as a team for the children.
Jon was quite happy for his so called "new chapter" in his life. People from the blog are writing bad things about him on thee TLC blog, but everything is not his fault, I mean Kate practically chewed him up and spit him out like a steal piece of gum every chance she got and it seem to be on every show. But, Jon didn't help any by acting like Kate's ninth child and letting her talk to him any kind of way and now he 's saying he's happy because he finally stood up to her. What is he talking about, standing up to her, is it because he got caught with another woman because I have yet to see him stand up to her. Maybe he's talking about last night, when he told her where the children 's play houses were going to go, but in the end she still won because the builders agree with her and talked Jon out of putting them in the woods and closer to the house.
If he talking about this situation, it's ten years too late for standing up to her, don't you think Jon. And if I remember right, Kate was accused of infidelity too, she is not totally Innocent. Although aunt Jodie told the rumors out of spite, it makes you think that the things that her and uncle Kevin said were right.
Reality check to Jon, Your only 32 as if he has a full life a head of him and he somewhat does. But dude you have eight children, and a beast of an ex wife, what woman wants to deal with that mess. He's too passive, what woman wants that. He thinks he going to live normal life in New York, well he can't, things are never going to be the same, no never. I think he may need some individual counseling about how he can adjust to regular life. But, all in all, he appears to be a good father, I don't care what the TLC viewers say. I also think the soon to be ex couple is selfish, well at least Kate because she said "the show must go on". For goodness sake mad woman pull the plug and let the kids have a normal life. Start your own business with the money you have and stop acting so sidity like you came from royalty because you didn't KATE,NEWS FLASH YOU CAME FROM A TRAILER PARK, come back to civilization with rest of us normal folk. Just like a TLC blogger said stop trying to act like a celebrity. You are not a celebrity, I'm sick and tired of reality people thinking their at a celebrity status because they throw a few cameras in your face, your not get over yourself.
At the end of the day, it comes to what's best for the kids and that is pull the plug on the show. The bucks must stop here. Their marriage is ruin, but I'm not sure it's because of the show because from the looks at it Kate was already over-barring. I think that the only difference that the show did was give them a lot of money and and little fame because they still would have gotten a divorce eventually because of the nature of their relationship, it just wouldn't have been done in the public eye.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Call Em Out


OK, as you may know that Jon and Kate from Jon and Kate Plus 8 has a shocking scandal going around. Roomer ha s it that their marriage is over and their both cheating one each other. Aunt Jodi and Uncle Kevin from passed seasons of the show are backing these so-called allegation up. OK America, I'm calling these two out, I have to because they are ridiculous. Oh and don't forget Jodi's sister who also has a blog on blogspot and also spreading roomers about the couple. I'm not saying the thing they are saying are not true because I don't know if they are not, but I'm calling them out because aunt Jodi was kicked off the show and now she making these allegations. I can't remember where, but I read an article which claims aunt Jodi was kicked off the Jon and Kate Plus 8 because Kate didn't want the show to pay her.

I've seen Jodi on two sites talking about the couple and Jodi's sister said on her site that her sister was something of an advocate for the children because they are being exploded. I don't believe this for one minute. If Jodi felt those children were being exploded then she should have been said something and not when she was kicked off the show, sell-out.
Aunt Jodie the only reason you are saying something now, I think, is because you have no more air time, get over it and grow up.
Jodi and her husband Kevin did an interview on radaroline saying that Jon and Kate's marriage is over and they are living a lie and the two argue so much that it was hard for the show to tape them. Her sister said something along the same line about the couple on her website. I think their trying to spread the couple's dirty laundry, but come on we already know this info. Come on Kevin, Jodi and Jodi's sister we know their marriage is edgey, look at the way Kate treats Jon. I always joke with my husband and tell him that Kate has nine kids instead of 8. She treats him like CRAP, we get that. As far as the children being exploded I don't know if this true and Jodi's sister saying Kate doesn't cook and clean and it's a sham, get over it, so what, if their lying their lying. You guys (the family) been knew the truth, if the above roomer are true, so why are you just telling us that she doesn't cook or clean (within the last year). We already know the show or whoever has made them rich, aduh Jodi's sister. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that they have some type of money to have gotten that new house. Hm, let's see poor+poor= does not equal a nearly million home for a family of ten, give us more credit then that, we're not naive.
As far as them getting love offering from churches they shouldn't if they are, Jodi sister allegedly, because that's just ridiculous. Roomers speculate that Kate is only doing the show for money and not the family, news flash if I had eight kids I would do the same, thing why not. It's good money and I would too, so Kate if you are it's OK to say so because I already think you guys are doing it for the money and that is absolutely OK, it's a family show. But you do need to tone your attitude down towards Jon because that' not lady-like. I heard someone say your a strong woman, I get that, but do not wear the pants, come on dude, your embarrassing him as a man.
The divorce thing is ridiculous, that is what America always want to scream out because something has happened. It's OK if they want to work things out if they cheated on one another. Heck if I was Jon I wouldn't divorce Kate either because child support would kick his tail (hahahah) and no I'm not a man (because of the above statement). I always told my husband when we watched the show that he would never divorce her because of all the kids and he'd be crazy if he did, but I'm pretty sure he has the money now to pay child support.
One last thing Jodi's sister said they have help taking care of the children and they don't do it on their own, aduh again she said they have help.
To check out aunt Jodi and her sister go to evilbeetgossip.film.com
To check out jodi's sister blog go to truthbreedshatred.blogspot.com
There also a site with Jodi and Kevin, but I can not recall it, but you can google their name and it will come up.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Yes Lord

I have to say this, Hallelujah. Excuse me for getting my praise on but I have to give a shout out to my Lord and personal Saviour Jesus Christ, Hallelujah! My soul say yes. This week the first lady of my church said read faith scripture for 21 days starting Tuesday and I've been doing so. Boy I'll tell that these scriptures are so powerful, Hallelujah. I just finish reading Isa 7:9 and goodness this verse set in my spirit. The Lord is talking to Ahaz and the Bible States "If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.
This verse is so powerful because if you don't believe in God you won't survive. It is imperative that you listen and live the word of God because without him nothing is possible. It is he who gives up strength. It is he who gives of knowledge and uplifts our spirit. It is he who made us and not our selves. I don't care what science says, yes there is a God, Hallelujah. My God is an awesome God, he reins from heaven above with wisdom, power and love.
In 2 chron 20:20 Jehosphaphat said to the people pf his kingdom, "have faith in Lord your God and you will be upheld, have faith in prophets and you will be successful. Well, what does upheld mean? According to dictionary.com it means to maintain in good condition; take care of. This a befitting word for this Bible Verse, yes, yes Hallelujah. LORD I lift you up, I magnify and glorify you because your worthy to be praise. I know what your saying if I have faith in the Lord he will take care me? Yes, Yes he will keep your faith in him. For Proverbs 3:6 states, "In all thys ways acknowledge him,and shall direct thy path.
You ave mention him in every trial, every situation you go through, yes every every situation and the Lord will answer prayer.
Go to youtube and Check out the song Yes entitled "Yes" by Shekinah Glory. Awesome, Awesome, Anointed Song!
Glory Halleljuah!
Amen, Amen and Amen

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Miss America

Wow, I AM SHOCKED AND AMAZED, WHAT IS AMERICA COMING TO!!! Some people say that we're living the last and final days and maybe we are. What happen to the amendment, freedom of speech.
I am very disappointed in the Miss American Pageant. They basically bashed one of the contestants because she said that marriage is suppose to be between a man and a woman, when a judge who asked what did she think about other states legalizing same sex marriage since four other states have. I' m pretty sure no one reads this page, but if they did, they would be mad at me now. Don't get me wrong because sin is sin and none is bigger than the other and that is what people fail to realize. You have fornicators and adultery saying being gay is wrong when they are just as bad. I guess that's why the gays feel the need to offend themselves. Now, I'm that old, but remember a time when you couldn't come out and say you were gay and now it's OK to get married because celebs are doing and having a family.
Come on people two men and women living as a family there is noway that the child want have some type of psychology issues.
That Miss America Contestant was not wrong for what she said. She only expressed her beliefs, she probably grew up on same normal values that most of us normal American grew up on. Wake up and smell the beanery. The judge that asked her the question seem to be offended and hear he is gay, but I don't know how true that is, but he said she shouldn't have said that, but something else. I don't remember what it was, but it was total opposite of what she felt. NO AMERICA she wasn't wrong, but right. Some gay people need stop crying and get over themselves. Boohoo cry me a river. I can also say as a heterosexual that I'm offended by same sex marriage, like gay people get offended when we tell them we're offended by their choice.

Monday, April 20, 2009

So long

It's been a while since I last w rote anything. I have got to post a lot more posting. Well what have I been doing, for one looking for a job, it's pretty hard trying to find a job in the state I live in, but I wouldn't dare think about moving south where it will one day be over crowded and over-populated, lol, I don't know maybe. I will be glad when I get a stable career going on. Although I graduated last December my commencement is next month. I really don't want to go because I already got my degree in my hand, but my mom wants me to attend, so she can see me walk across the stage; therefore I'm doing it for her. But enough about me, so I've been watching for the Love of R Jay, not a very good show, but something keeps pulling to front of the screen and watch it every Monday night at 10. I may have missed an episode or two, but caught tale end of the shows' rerun the next day. That's all I really care is to see the end of it. I guess because I know the whole show is so fake and I just want to see how it' s going to play out. So night is the season finale, who will R Jay pick, tune in to see tonight.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Four Young Lives Lost

Well, I am watching the news and four teens were killed in Michigan by a drunk driver. It's so sad because they were going to Pizza Hut and their lives were cut short . I don't know the families, but my heart goes out to them for I know how it feels to lose someone as I just lost my sister 3 months ago. I don't know what she was thinking when she was drinking and driving. To get in a car not in your right state of mind is crazy and I don't why she did it. Last night news' said that the lady was at a Roseville home, a Michigan suburb, and she was drunk. Police were called because of domestic violence. The lady later left the house drunk, it was not said where she was headed off to, but little did she know that her name and face would be all over the media because she was a drunken alcoholic beast who would claim four young precious and innocent lives. Last night broadcast also casted a pole to viewers. The question was would you call the police if you suspected someone was drunk driving. I think the voting came out something like this 75% said yes and 25% no. I mean that's a no brainier, why would you not report someone driving like an complete and total idiot because you or love-ones can become the victim. That's just stupid not to report it, just plan stupid. Come on smell the coffee people.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Idol Must Go!!!

I haven't been on here in exactly month. I don't have much to say today either. But what I do want to talk about is American Idol. I'm watching the news and they are talking about the Idol show tonight. I wish they take this show off because it' so lame. What's this about 13 contestants instead of 12. OMG, they act like it's a big change and it's not. Let's face it there will never be an Idol that will claim the kind of fame that Kelly Clarkston and let's face it she was the first one, so of course she is going to claim the fame. A few Idols after her had hit songs, even Clay and he was the runner up, but the more people they pick out the hat to the road of glory the less famous they are. American Idol doesn't have as many viewers as it use to either, that because the show is whacked and to add another judge was really stupid. What was the purpose, which television shows were making fun of her because she just didn't fit in. Please pull the plug on American Idol.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What's Up Reality Shows

OK, I'm back. the topic that I want to talk about today is a subject that I'm sure that has already been talked about on numerous occasions and that is none other then dating reality shows, which in my opinion is a waste of qaulity time. But I do watch them now and again. OK so, I was watching for the Love of R Jay, you know Brandy's little brother. All these girls claim they are on his show for him, but are they really, I don't know. Two of the girls have already been kicked out of the house because they claim they wanted to become actress, which is the reason so many of them get of these shows. They just want to be notice , perhaps because it's so hard to make it in Holly Wood. In my opinion the most annoying things about these reality shows is the names they give these people. I don't know why these people go on these shows trying to claim the road to fame. Look at New York they made her give up her reality show to even work in Holly Wood. I mean come on people wake up and smell the beanery, who wants to be remembered as having a shaky career with a crazy name like star cakes or boo boo pants, God for bid they put that on your obit or tombstone, leaving your grand children to wander what type of person were you when you were younger.
Back to R Jay, at the end he ask the ladies are they there for him and they say yes, but again are they really and is he even there for love or for publicity, who really knows. I say this because we all know what is going to happen, he will pick one of these girls and they will make out on national television like there is no tomorrow, there will be a reunion show where the ladies fight like cats and dogs, where R Jay will announce if he and the girl is still together which they maybe, but after a couple months or so they will have broken up and he there will be a for the Love Ray 2. He's doing the same thing these other celebrities or want to be celebrities are doing. There is no way they are going to find love in a minute it takes time, but I will say that I'm glad they finally put a handsome guy on the scene trying to find love. Who knows maybe he will be smart like Chance ( I think that's the brother) and pick no one, but he will be back with his brother with another show I'm pretty sure they are trying to hit the road of claim to fame.
What happen to the good old 30 minute family comedy shows, man I could really use a good laugh.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The 56th Inaugural

I will put away my morning and grief to talk about yesterday's inauguration. I must say it a was ground breaking day. Martin Luther King's hopes and dreams have finally come true and I must say I'm very glad to see them come alive. I was so happy and elated to see the first African American President be sworn into office and President and Mrs. Obama looked quit dapper if I must say. Tears did roll down my face as I thought about how people have been fighting the good fight to get to where we are today. No one knows half the battle until they stepped into their shoes. While I am a young African American woman, I can not say I know the pain my ancestors went through, but by reading history books I know they did have some struggle. I was most happy when I was able to work at Greenfield Village in a house built by African Americans in the 1800's and I was most excited to work in a slave house, yes a slave house and both of them from Georgia. I loved to see people coming in with their faced lighted up like children wanting to know the history on both. I had the opportunity to dress in clothing from the time period of the house built in 1800's. My co-workers and I also prepared food dishes that the family cooked and took care of chickens. I really liked doing this job, but in my opinion the pay sucked, but I had the opportunity to appreciate life and see how African Americans and some European Americans lived. It was so beautiful to see , we the people of America, Blacks,Whites, Asian American, Arab Americans, Latinos and any other nationality I left out to witness history together as a nation. We are a new generation that can over come any optical.

Monday, January 12, 2009

This thing we call life

Tick tock, tick tock, that's the sound of the pendulum on the clock.
Tick tock, tick tock that's the sound of time running out on this thing we call life.
So, what will you do before the grim reaper says boo?
What will you make out of life?
Will you do whatever your heart's desire and live out your dream and sail the seven seas?
Will you climb the highest mountain or travel the world and let the wind blow through your curls?
Will you obtain a bachelor degree and say look at me?
Will you start your own business or work for a man that will lend you a helping hand?
Will you get married and start your own family or will you stay single knowing fully that you like to mingle?
Most importantly will serve the Almighty God to full capacity without any absentee?
Life is too short know your boundaries of what you can and can not do and do it to the fullest with the Lord by your side.
For the Bible states, In all thou ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Strength to Carry On

How do I feel since the passing of my sister. I feel a dark empty void that can never be replaced. I have my good days, but there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about her. I know she loved and lived life to the fullest. I have four other sisters and it doesn't feel right that she no longer walks this cold, hard and sometime cruel world. I feel sadden and want to scream to the top of my lungs sometimes and sometimes I want to have a temper tantrum like a child who can't have their way in a candy store. I feel extremely horrified when I think about the children, oh Lord what about the children. I cry for them because they don't have a mother. I sometimes ask my sister and the Lord why did she have to die. I wish she could have held on a least until her baby girl turned eighteen. I think writing makes me feel some what better. I sometimes go into a deep days thinking about her and I totally zone out into another world. The only thing that keeps me sane is the Lord Almighty and I whole-heartily realize that I can't do anything without him for through him we are made whole. I found my self crying out to the Lord in the wee hours of the night and I must say that I felt so much better after I laid my burden down. I sought the Lord and he heard my cry and in the long run I won't complain. For Psalm 27 states the Lord is my light and my salvation. Strength