Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Miss America

Wow, I AM SHOCKED AND AMAZED, WHAT IS AMERICA COMING TO!!! Some people say that we're living the last and final days and maybe we are. What happen to the amendment, freedom of speech.
I am very disappointed in the Miss American Pageant. They basically bashed one of the contestants because she said that marriage is suppose to be between a man and a woman, when a judge who asked what did she think about other states legalizing same sex marriage since four other states have. I' m pretty sure no one reads this page, but if they did, they would be mad at me now. Don't get me wrong because sin is sin and none is bigger than the other and that is what people fail to realize. You have fornicators and adultery saying being gay is wrong when they are just as bad. I guess that's why the gays feel the need to offend themselves. Now, I'm that old, but remember a time when you couldn't come out and say you were gay and now it's OK to get married because celebs are doing and having a family.
Come on people two men and women living as a family there is noway that the child want have some type of psychology issues.
That Miss America Contestant was not wrong for what she said. She only expressed her beliefs, she probably grew up on same normal values that most of us normal American grew up on. Wake up and smell the beanery. The judge that asked her the question seem to be offended and hear he is gay, but I don't know how true that is, but he said she shouldn't have said that, but something else. I don't remember what it was, but it was total opposite of what she felt. NO AMERICA she wasn't wrong, but right. Some gay people need stop crying and get over themselves. Boohoo cry me a river. I can also say as a heterosexual that I'm offended by same sex marriage, like gay people get offended when we tell them we're offended by their choice.

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