Monday, January 12, 2009

This thing we call life

Tick tock, tick tock, that's the sound of the pendulum on the clock.
Tick tock, tick tock that's the sound of time running out on this thing we call life.
So, what will you do before the grim reaper says boo?
What will you make out of life?
Will you do whatever your heart's desire and live out your dream and sail the seven seas?
Will you climb the highest mountain or travel the world and let the wind blow through your curls?
Will you obtain a bachelor degree and say look at me?
Will you start your own business or work for a man that will lend you a helping hand?
Will you get married and start your own family or will you stay single knowing fully that you like to mingle?
Most importantly will serve the Almighty God to full capacity without any absentee?
Life is too short know your boundaries of what you can and can not do and do it to the fullest with the Lord by your side.
For the Bible states, In all thou ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path.

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