Thursday, August 27, 2009

Madonna in her effort

I have a topic that I would like to discuss that makes me mad and it's called racism, yes people racism. I recently read an online article from OMG that was in the files of Yahoo about Madonna. She performed in Eastern Europe and had gypsies perform with her and she later made a statement concerning them. Some of the people in the crowd sided with her and the rest disagreed and they did so by booing her statement. She also mentioned other things in her statement that I wish not to talk about.
Needless to say, she carried on with the concert. One of the members of the crowd was interviewed and said they didn't think her statement was sincere and she had no right to speak of those things. Perhaps she didn't go any further with her statement because she thought about people not coming to a concert for a lecture and they paid good money for their tickets.
I don't know if this was the place for her to speak about the discrimination, I am glad she made her point. In my opinion and this is just my opinion, I think the angry crowd goer became mad because of what she said, not way she said it.
I plainly see that discrimination is not only a problem in a America, but in other places too. Come on people you think about, it discrimination and racism is just plain stupid. I mean think about it, you don't like somebody because of the color their skin or perhaps of their culture. To me, that doesn't make a lot of sense, a variety of colors is beautiful. A lot of the same color gets pretty dull after a while, I like what my husband says and that is he's like to have friends of all culture so he can learn about them. We can learn to agree to disagree, Oh I wish I had an audience. Like the Bible states "how can we walk together unless we both agree. Oh come on somebody, hallelujah people.

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