Friday, November 21, 2008

Word Of Advice To The Big Three

OK let's talk economy. I know I'm a day late and I should have posted my thoughts yesterday. As you can see I'm very much for this 25 billion dollar bailout. The big three went to Washington on their private jets, yeah big mistake. I don't why they made such a screwy mistake. Mr Big Three guys if your asking for help you don't fly in with your personal jets and ask congress for, money big no no. I forget who said this, but he said the choice was real arrogant and yes it was. I hope they are much smarter next time about doing something so out of line. I also hope they come up with a good plan that is mapped out accordingly to the money they need. I can't believe they went to congress with out a plan, no plan what a big mistake. They basically went there like little children asking for money.
I just hope they have a better plan than the one they took to congress the first time which is no plan. In a recent article Governor Jennifer Granholm give the big three some advice. One of things she asked them to do is not fly in with their jets and come into Washington by commercial. I think she makes a very good case. Granholm also said she doesn't think it's too late for them to plead their case I don't know I think the jets may affect them in some type of way, but what do I know I'm just a college student and not a politician and I can very well be wrong. We will see.
To read Granholm's full article go to

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