Sunday, November 9, 2008

Don't go broke for the holidays

I have started my research on my article about will people go broke for the holidays. I think I might have gotten an answer because yesterday I actually heard people say they will go broke for the holidays. In addition, they also stated they don't care what people say about the economy. The funny thing is I didn't even interview these people the topic just happen to come up.I was both shocked and amazed to hear that, but I still don't believe that everyone is like this. My husband and I still haven't talked about what happened yesterday. I can image what he will say. I'm guessing somewhere a long the lines of I told you so. I'm optimistic and I believe that there has to be some people out there who are not willing to go broke buying turkey, mac and cheese, gifts and Christmas decorations. I don't know what news station it was, but I heard a reporter say that Kmart and Walmart has lay- way so this is a thought instead of maxing out those credit card.s I also heard another good idea that my sister suggested. She said that she isn't buying anybody a gift and this gave me an idea. I think that people should not try to impress anybody. If you can't afford a gift than don't go broke buying gifts because you're trying to impress somebody. In the long run they will have a nice gift and your pockets will be hurting, trust me. You can also set a budget for your self of how much money you will spend. Walmart not only has lay-way, but they also have inexpensive gifts. I think they are really nice, I have bought a few Christmas gifts and birthday gifts and the people who received them really enjoyed them. I'm not trying to promote Walmart because I really don't care for the store, but it's just a suggestion. Out let stores also have deals on gifts around the holidays. I'm really enjoying myself writing this blog, although no one is probably reading this. I can't wait to write these articles. Who knows maybe I will start another topic and leave the economy issues a long, but not for now.

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