Thursday, November 27, 2008


I haven't posted anything in a while and so I'm writing today, I know on Thanksgiving right. Have happy Thanksgiving everyone. Tomorrow is Black Friday and your suppose to find great deals in store. However the sales may not be what you think, but who knows the economy is so bad you might get some type a deal. But just be careful and don't let the sales people trick you into buying anything you can't afford. Well this will be a short posting because it is the holidays, have fun, shop smart and God Bless everyone!!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Word Of Advice To The Big Three

OK let's talk economy. I know I'm a day late and I should have posted my thoughts yesterday. As you can see I'm very much for this 25 billion dollar bailout. The big three went to Washington on their private jets, yeah big mistake. I don't why they made such a screwy mistake. Mr Big Three guys if your asking for help you don't fly in with your personal jets and ask congress for, money big no no. I forget who said this, but he said the choice was real arrogant and yes it was. I hope they are much smarter next time about doing something so out of line. I also hope they come up with a good plan that is mapped out accordingly to the money they need. I can't believe they went to congress with out a plan, no plan what a big mistake. They basically went there like little children asking for money.
I just hope they have a better plan than the one they took to congress the first time which is no plan. In a recent article Governor Jennifer Granholm give the big three some advice. One of things she asked them to do is not fly in with their jets and come into Washington by commercial. I think she makes a very good case. Granholm also said she doesn't think it's too late for them to plead their case I don't know I think the jets may affect them in some type of way, but what do I know I'm just a college student and not a politician and I can very well be wrong. We will see.
To read Granholm's full article go to

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Michigan in Washington

Big news happening in Michigan or should I say Washington. The big three and major figures of Michigan are on their way to Washington to ask congress for 25 billion to bail them out of their financial crises. Wow this is amazing because if congress denies the bail out then this means bad news for Michigan's economy. You guys thing the country is in a recession now, just think of the many things that will happen if they don't bail them out. Not only will the auto industry cut back on job,s but other place of businesses will cut back on their workers.
There are many people around the country saying the government should not bail the big three out, but they shouldn't cast their stones at the auto industry just yet. If the car companies shut down their companies a number of things can happened and BELIEVE ME PEOPLE YOU WILL BE EFFECTED TOO. There are so many blogs out their that says the government shouldn't help Michigan, but they are not even thinking about their futures. First of all I don't have anything against foreign cars, but why would you want all foreign cars and no American cars and you live in America. That in it's self is totally unamerican. Foreign cars are not the cheapest cars in the world because they do come from overseas.
Just image if something went wrong, God forbids your car breaks down and you have to get it fix. The part for the car is going to cost a lot because it has to be ordered from overseas. Also I'm pretty sure that foreign auto makers will jack the prices of the cars and make them much higher than they already are because there won't be any American cars to buy.

Monday, November 17, 2008



I haven't blogged in a few days, but here is my latest tip. For anybody that has been reading my blog you probably have notice that I've been repeatedly talking about the economy. I am watching the news online as I am tying this blog. The auto industry is asking congress for a 25 billion dollar bailout. This is a shell shock revelation that America is facing. Some republicans are saying let the auto industry shut down, but they don't know is that the effect will trickle down to them sooner or later. I've heard various opinion in the the last couple days about the bailout. I've been hearing that if the auto industry shuts down than a lot of jobs will be lost in Michigan. Jobs are already being lost in Michigan a news outlets revealed tonight that a hospital in Michigan will cut back on a numerous amount of jobs. E J B is saying come on Congress.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Food for Thought

This is the 6th day and still no one has read my blog, except a few family members. I guess this is OK since there are so many blogs out there. I like to write and voice my opinion, so I guess I will be writing to myself, lol. I really love the holidays and I guess is why I keep talking about them to myself, lol. Don't know what to cook this Thanksgiving, but want some new ideas then surf the web. There you will find all types of food recipes. One of my favorite sites to surf when I need a recipe is McCormick. I think they have some of the best recipes. The site is A new I came across today is

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Holiday Tips

Thanksgiving is around the corner. Do you want to cook a meal, but don't have the funds, then look for assistance in your area. I don't know if it's too late in the month, but there are organizations that will provide food for you and your family. Some one actually gave me this idea. My group and I had to put a single parent panel together for school and one of our panelist was from an organization. He came in to talk about the single parents they help. He said they help a lot of families each year and my idea stemmed from there. Please go get that holiday food so your family can enjoy and please throw away your pride. Another innovated idea is saving and using coupons, this never hurt anybody. Also look for items that are on sale and try using generic brand foods this holiday season too. If you can't afford gifts for your children, by all means don't go broke. When I was younger Good Fellow used to help families that needed assistance with getting parents gifts for their children. I think these are very helpful tips in a economy like this.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Holiday Column

Ahhh the aroma of a turkey basing in the over, dressing, macaroni cheese and the whole nine yards. Oh, and don't forget about the songs Deck the Halls and have a Holly Jolly Christmas.
Thanksgiving and Christmas are probably the most traditional and celebrated holidays in the United States, no matter what the person religion is and every year people go broke because of them.
The question is can people afford to over spend for the holidays and the answer depends. If you are a millionaire who can shelve out tons of money to lavish your friend and family in gifts from Tiffany's then the answer is yes. But if your the average Joe working 40 hour plus trying to make ends meat for your family then the answer is no. No you can not buy gifts for friends and family member to parade around.
You can not go broke buying Jack, Jill and Sally gifts for the holidays to parade around in. Who are we kidding they are not going to offer to help pay your huge astronomical bills in the end. They are going to feel as if you bought them the gift why should they dig you out the hole.
Let's talk about those fun credit cards. Each year creditors send out ads for people to sign up for a credit card and some Sueze Q falls for it every year. Q fills out the application hoping to buy some really nice Christmas gifts for the people in her life, however she doesn't read the fine line and off to the mall she goes.
Her most famous line to retailers will be charge it, charge it without realizing the emotional and physical damage she is causing herself. In the end her love ones will be happy, but Q will be emotionally scared.
Financial adviser has some advice for people and credit cards. According Princeton Online Financial advisers "caution people not to get caught up in credit card offers that seem just too good to pass up. Educate yourself about terms and methods credit card companies tend to entice consumers into getting deeper and deeper in debt."
Gladys Speed, homemaker, said, "I do think people go broke for the holidays." But is it worth going broke for the holidays. Speed said people go broke for the hCheck Spellingolidays to make others happy.
Speed said she will not be buying Christmas gifts this years because she does not have the money, but if she did she would budget herself.
Angela Speed, Gladys' daughter, also said she will not be buying gifts for the holiday. In a previous conversation about Halloween Speed said that people are not going to haunted house like they use because they don't have the money.One haunted house admission was $45 because of the "VIP package".
Antonio Burnett, Gladys' son-in-law, said he knows some people that go broke every year for the holidays. He said "I know a lot of people in the hood that go broke for Christmas."
Please have a blessed holidays and shop smart.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Part 2 Don't go broke for the Holidays

I don't really have anything to talk about today. But I do have maybe one more suggestion for holiday gifts. By cheap inexpensive items and create baskets. I did this once for my family members and they loved them and I really had fun making them. The Dollar Tree has all the accessories you need to make a basket and fun little gift to also put in the baskets. Micheals is also another store that is a tad bit more expensive, but also have nice accessories to put in baskets. Who knows, you may venture off into a whole nother ]Again don't go broke for the holidays.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Don't go broke for the holidays

I have started my research on my article about will people go broke for the holidays. I think I might have gotten an answer because yesterday I actually heard people say they will go broke for the holidays. In addition, they also stated they don't care what people say about the economy. The funny thing is I didn't even interview these people the topic just happen to come up.I was both shocked and amazed to hear that, but I still don't believe that everyone is like this. My husband and I still haven't talked about what happened yesterday. I can image what he will say. I'm guessing somewhere a long the lines of I told you so. I'm optimistic and I believe that there has to be some people out there who are not willing to go broke buying turkey, mac and cheese, gifts and Christmas decorations. I don't know what news station it was, but I heard a reporter say that Kmart and Walmart has lay- way so this is a thought instead of maxing out those credit card.s I also heard another good idea that my sister suggested. She said that she isn't buying anybody a gift and this gave me an idea. I think that people should not try to impress anybody. If you can't afford a gift than don't go broke buying gifts because you're trying to impress somebody. In the long run they will have a nice gift and your pockets will be hurting, trust me. You can also set a budget for your self of how much money you will spend. Walmart not only has lay-way, but they also have inexpensive gifts. I think they are really nice, I have bought a few Christmas gifts and birthday gifts and the people who received them really enjoyed them. I'm not trying to promote Walmart because I really don't care for the store, but it's just a suggestion. Out let stores also have deals on gifts around the holidays. I'm really enjoying myself writing this blog, although no one is probably reading this. I can't wait to write these articles. Who knows maybe I will start another topic and leave the economy issues a long, but not for now.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Holiday and the economy

Let's talk about the holidays and the economy. As we know people are losing their jobs due to the tough economy. But what I would like to know is, will people go broke for them. I'm not sure, but my husband said they will. He stated that he's talked to people through the years that said they don't feel right unless they go broke for the holidays. He also mentioned that people from "the hood" especially go broke for the holidays. I don't know America, will people surrendered their house mortgages, car payments or utility bills for a festive occasion. I set out and do some research and then do the unthinkable. I will write an article before this month is over in the next week or so and submitted and let viewers, if there are any out there lol read it. I would like to get their comments and views of this topic.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Obama for Change

Today Obama gave his first president-elect speech. He said that he will deal with the economy as soon as he becomes President. I think this is a good thing because of so many job losses. It's finally great to see a President that wants to make a change for the people. I think he will do great in the White House. I also think this country will begin to heal and people will begin to look beyond color -lines. Let's talk about the race factor of Obama.
A lot people are happy because America has it's first black president, but the issue is far deeper than this. Sure people in America has moved beyond color-lines because they've elected the first black president, but the fact of the matter is, it's not about his skin color . I hope people did not vote for him because of his skin color, but because he stand for change. I also hope that people did not vote for him because they think that their going to get some type of break, but because he stands for change. I voted for him not for his skin color or because he made history, but because I didn't want another Bush in the White House (John McCain). I also didn't want a VP in the White that didn't know that Africa was a Continent.
We the people deserve to have a President that is going to stand for change. I think the Electoral House made a fine decision when they elected him as President. I can't wait for him to become the Official President of the United States of America on January 20, 2009. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Job Market

My name is Elaine and like so many people out there I am managing to juggle life. I hope to have people come to my blogg and read and share my views. I would like to start off by talking about the job market. It's not easy finding a job these day, Lord knows I've tried. Sure there are jobs out there, but are they the right jobs for you and the answer is simple, not all the time. I am in my last semester of college and I currently work for a temp service. My assignment was dismissed today due to car trouble. I am neither upset or mad about the situation because God has something better for me. What, I'm not sure, maybe something in my field. I was considering going into the field of teaching which is not my profession, however there were a lot job a few years back in this field, but now there isn't. I am going to keep searching until I find something. If there is anyone in this same situation, please don't give up and hold the faith because God has something better for you too. But know there some sites out there that post jobs on an everyday bases.