Thursday, August 27, 2009

Madonna in her effort

I have a topic that I would like to discuss that makes me mad and it's called racism, yes people racism. I recently read an online article from OMG that was in the files of Yahoo about Madonna. She performed in Eastern Europe and had gypsies perform with her and she later made a statement concerning them. Some of the people in the crowd sided with her and the rest disagreed and they did so by booing her statement. She also mentioned other things in her statement that I wish not to talk about.
Needless to say, she carried on with the concert. One of the members of the crowd was interviewed and said they didn't think her statement was sincere and she had no right to speak of those things. Perhaps she didn't go any further with her statement because she thought about people not coming to a concert for a lecture and they paid good money for their tickets.
I don't know if this was the place for her to speak about the discrimination, I am glad she made her point. In my opinion and this is just my opinion, I think the angry crowd goer became mad because of what she said, not way she said it.
I plainly see that discrimination is not only a problem in a America, but in other places too. Come on people you think about, it discrimination and racism is just plain stupid. I mean think about it, you don't like somebody because of the color their skin or perhaps of their culture. To me, that doesn't make a lot of sense, a variety of colors is beautiful. A lot of the same color gets pretty dull after a while, I like what my husband says and that is he's like to have friends of all culture so he can learn about them. We can learn to agree to disagree, Oh I wish I had an audience. Like the Bible states "how can we walk together unless we both agree. Oh come on somebody, hallelujah people.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The latest

By now, I'm pretty sure everybody has heard the latest on the Michael Jackson investigation and that is death is being ruled as a homicide. First I would like to say that I feel really bad for the Jackson family because they loss a love one, Katherine and Joe loss a son and the Jackson children loss brother. I can't say I know how Mr and Mrs Jackson feel because I've never loss a child lead alone have any, but I know how his siblings feel because I to loss a sibling last December.
It's a good thing that a lot of people don't read this blog because a lot of Micheal's fans would not be happy of what I am about to say and that is Micheal's death should not be ruled as a homicide. I'm don't see why this case is being ruled in his favor, when he was taking this medication and no one was holding a gun to his head. Well, somebody might say what if he didn't know what he was taking, than I say he should have researched it and found out what he was taking.
Sure, his doctor should be charged with something, with what, I'm not sure. I don't know with what because I'm not a legal expert, but he should be charged because he administered medication in the wrong circumstance. I read somewhere that the medication he gave Mr. Jackson was used to give to patients before they get some type of surgery. People may disagree with me, but it's OK to agree to disagree with me, but it's not the doctor's fault he died, I think it's Michael's. He should have been more careful and aware of the medication they took. Lisa Marie Presely said on her blog that this was Michael's worst fear of dying like her father did and that was from overdose. But sadly Micheal in fact died that way from an overdose of medication administered by his doctor.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Real Chance of Love,not another show


No, not another reality show about Real Chance of Love. Why did VH1 give them another show.I knew they would be back. Let's face it, they are not looking for Love, but a fling and to promote their music. The girls that are coming on the show are not on the show looking for love either, but they are trying to be in the spot light so they can get their own show and become a reality star. OK, I going to say what half of America thinks and that is everybody on the show are Losers.
I mean come on who would actually go on a show to meet some wanna bees trying to start a music career who claims to be in their late 20's. Lies, there all lies, I mean come on these guys are in there 30's. Real's hair is just entirely too long, besides he has extensions in his head, what woman wants that. I mean I'm going to get my hair done so I can look nice and in return you're asking me what's the name of the salon I go to because you want to get your extensions touched up. I'm just saying, his hair situation is off the chain and it's not even right. Chance has some obvious hair style issues as well, what's going on with his head, one minute it's a Mohawk and the very next it's braids. I think he may very well wear weave in his head too.
One of the girls said something like she is crazy or has a mental problem and so does Chance and he seemed to be offended by this statement, but I agree with her. Chance appears to be a little touched in the head. He does not act like a grown man at all, but a child who has not and will not grow up. Perhaps he's stuck in Michael Jackson's world of Never Never land and not growing up What woman wants a man that she has to take care like a child, no one and if she does she's obviously crazy. After this show VH1, please don't bring those losers back for another run.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hot News


So I haven't been on the site in a little over a month, but that's fine because I'm just writing to myself. I know it's funny because I have my own site posted to my favorites and for what, I don't know. So what are some hot topic, they appear be the same since I last post. It appears that Jon and Kate has had a fight over the weekend. Jon has been running around with his new girlfriend on a vacation. Kate appeared on Regis and Kelly and things Regis said I think made Kate feel uncomfortable. I don't know why he said he thinks they will get back together. Joel McHale said that he don't why Regis said what he said and obviously Regis never saw the show, lol.
But I seriously don't think the two will get back together. I also think that TLC should pull the plug on the show. Micheal Jackson will finally buried, why are they still talking about this