Thursday, December 18, 2008

Love One's loss on the holidays

I haven't been on here for sometime, almost a month and a lot has changed since then. I've had two things that took place all in d ayI took my last final for school and I'm completely done with school and will be getting my bachelor degree in a few weeks. I also got one of these worst phone calls ever and it was my mom calling me to tell me that she was rushing my sister to the doctor because she didn't feel well. I had my mom ask my sister some questions to assure that she was OK because I was a little worried about her and my mom did and said "she think she has the flu. My sister had just been released from the hospital last Thursday because she had congestive hear failure and she thought she had gotten sick from the lady that was shared the same room as she. An hour later, while studying for my final, I got a phone call from my other oldest sister asking me why I didn't tell her that my mom was taking my sister to the hospital and that another sister of ours called her and told her doctors said her heart was beating to fast. I reassured my older sister was fine and that I didn't tell anyone because it wasn't too serious and my mom said she thinks she only has the flu and that she would call me back as soon as she found out what was going on. My sister seem to be relieve and she said that the sister that called her made it seem like she was on her death bed. I said no she's fine. I then called my mom to make some sense of the conversation I just had with my big sister. She confirmed what my other sister told my older sister and added they had to giver her something to make her heart beat at a normal rate, but my mom did not sound calm. I sense a little weariness in her voice. I said "what's wrong" and she said "nothing, I will call you back." I went back to studying for my final. I then got another call from my oldest sister saying that they had to revive my sickly sister, but she was OK, I immediately began to cry and so was the voice on the other end of the phone. I didn't even want to go to school and take my final, how could I? but my sister said go and she made it seem as if everything was fine, but I called my husband crying and told him was going on. I then began studying for my test and my twin sister called and asked me was I'm coming to the hospital after I got out of school, and how was I doing I said yes, but I thought I would go the next day maybe if everything was fine since I was getting out of school late. I wanted to know why my twin asked me this and called her, but the dropped. I called my mom to ask why she asked me these things and the call also dropped. My husband came to take me to school and he said he would go to the hospital to check on her, I saw the sun out and knew something was funny because the sun hasn't been out in a while and so I went to school to take my final very tough I may add.My husband came and got me and I don't quite remember what happened next, but we were on the subject of hospital and he said they transferred her to another hospital and he because of her condition. So we went to the hospital and I asked my family how she was doing, but no one knew and they hadn't saw her in a while and that they revived her three time instead of once and today my twin said doctors at the previous hospital said that he didn't think she was going to make it. When I asked why they didn't want to tell me they said because we didn't want that on your mind why you were taking your test, such caring girls. We finally got to see her after 5 hours, needless to say she was in terrible condition. A doctor told us that she probably wouldn't make it through the night because her body was not responding to the medication they were giving her to bring her blood pressure up, we cried and I had a child' tantrum. The doctor came back and said her body began to respond, we were really happy and some of were praying that God made a way to her whole again. She had a family full of people come to see her and after they got the news about the medication working they began to leave, but my mother and another sister her son and my sick sister's children stayed over night. A nurse told an aunt of mind that her body had respond to it more. The next day doctors wanted to perform a surgery that would make her blood flow, but sadly she died in the process and the holidays Will be so hard with her. I love her and I'm so glad that those were some of that words that we exchanged with one other. "I love you" is what we said to one another.

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