Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Four Young Lives Lost

Well, I am watching the news and four teens were killed in Michigan by a drunk driver. It's so sad because they were going to Pizza Hut and their lives were cut short . I don't know the families, but my heart goes out to them for I know how it feels to lose someone as I just lost my sister 3 months ago. I don't know what she was thinking when she was drinking and driving. To get in a car not in your right state of mind is crazy and I don't why she did it. Last night news' said that the lady was at a Roseville home, a Michigan suburb, and she was drunk. Police were called because of domestic violence. The lady later left the house drunk, it was not said where she was headed off to, but little did she know that her name and face would be all over the media because she was a drunken alcoholic beast who would claim four young precious and innocent lives. Last night broadcast also casted a pole to viewers. The question was would you call the police if you suspected someone was drunk driving. I think the voting came out something like this 75% said yes and 25% no. I mean that's a no brainier, why would you not report someone driving like an complete and total idiot because you or love-ones can become the victim. That's just stupid not to report it, just plan stupid. Come on smell the coffee people.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Idol Must Go!!!

I haven't been on here in exactly month. I don't have much to say today either. But what I do want to talk about is American Idol. I'm watching the news and they are talking about the Idol show tonight. I wish they take this show off because it' so lame. What's this about 13 contestants instead of 12. OMG, they act like it's a big change and it's not. Let's face it there will never be an Idol that will claim the kind of fame that Kelly Clarkston and let's face it she was the first one, so of course she is going to claim the fame. A few Idols after her had hit songs, even Clay and he was the runner up, but the more people they pick out the hat to the road of glory the less famous they are. American Idol doesn't have as many viewers as it use to either, that because the show is whacked and to add another judge was really stupid. What was the purpose, which television shows were making fun of her because she just didn't fit in. Please pull the plug on American Idol.