Monday, June 29, 2009

Fallen Stars

Well as we know that as of last week a few big names died, as matter of fact two with in the same day. The first to die last week was Mr. Ed Mcmahon. A lot of people mourned his death, but as I always say if you live to be that old, than you've lived your life and people should think of all the good things they did. A few day later Ms. Farrah Fawcett died at the age of 62 and then with in hours of her death the King of Pop Micheal Jackson died which caught people by surprise, and sadly the infomerical announcer BillyMays died yesterday at the same age as Mr Jackson did, at the age of 50.
The thing that is making so mad is that people are not making the same fuss over the deaths of Fawcett or Mcmahon and I'm guessing because they may not be as famous as he. But as I recall MJ was not in the lime light for some years because after his molestation trial people dogged him out. It was inhuman and outrageously ridiculous the way they talked about this man. He was treated like a dog, but yet they want to praise him as he was a God. It's OK to mourn his death and miss him, but leave the stricken mourning to his family and closet friends, the people who loved him no matter what the media or those lying little boys and their mothers who said MJ molested their children. The thing that pisses me off the most is that he may have died a torched soul because he didn't know any one cared for him the way they said they did.
He was in pain, but nobody cared, I think he may needed some psychological help, but nobody cared and so he disappeared from the public because people treated him like a vicious monster, talking about his looks, his voice and now they want to miss. My prayers go out to the Jackson family and his dear friends like Liza Minnelli, Elizabeth Taylor and so many more and his dearest fans who believed in him no matter what. My Prayers go out to out the celebrities families and friend who died last week or for anyone who died recently because I truly know how they feel having lost a sister last December.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Jon and Kate will seperate


OK, so I haven't been on here for a while, but some new development has happened since I wrote last about Jon and Kate. No, I am not obsessed with them, I think their whole dilemma is very sad. On last night's show the couple announced they would separate, Kate is to stay with the children in Pennsylvania in the kids house (Jon and Kate said that they bought the house for the children) and Jon will be moving to New York. I don't know why he is moving to New York if he so close to the children.
Kate seems to try and pin everything on Jon and I don't know why because she plays a big part as to why they are getting a divorce. A few people on Kate's blog on TLC website hit it right on the nose when they said they blame both Jon and Kate for their marriage ending. One writer wrote that they put the show first and not their family and I agree. In my opinion, I think they should have pulled the show and should have taken some marriage counseling, some type Christians they are, not so much.
A lot of viewers like Kate blamed their failing marriage on Jon , but I say it's wrong. No Kate, no viewers, just Jon like Kate is to blame for the ending of the marriage too. She sat in that chair last night sobbing and sad , she seem quite the passive type to me last night a different Kate, not like the boss Kate, perhaps,a girly girl and not a man the way she usually acts. I don't know, maybe she seem to be kind-hearted, maybe if she showed Jon a kind-heart they wouldn't be headed for divorce. But it's three sided to every story, his side, her side and the truth, and while we may never know the truth the two still must work together as a team for the children.
Jon was quite happy for his so called "new chapter" in his life. People from the blog are writing bad things about him on thee TLC blog, but everything is not his fault, I mean Kate practically chewed him up and spit him out like a steal piece of gum every chance she got and it seem to be on every show. But, Jon didn't help any by acting like Kate's ninth child and letting her talk to him any kind of way and now he 's saying he's happy because he finally stood up to her. What is he talking about, standing up to her, is it because he got caught with another woman because I have yet to see him stand up to her. Maybe he's talking about last night, when he told her where the children 's play houses were going to go, but in the end she still won because the builders agree with her and talked Jon out of putting them in the woods and closer to the house.
If he talking about this situation, it's ten years too late for standing up to her, don't you think Jon. And if I remember right, Kate was accused of infidelity too, she is not totally Innocent. Although aunt Jodie told the rumors out of spite, it makes you think that the things that her and uncle Kevin said were right.
Reality check to Jon, Your only 32 as if he has a full life a head of him and he somewhat does. But dude you have eight children, and a beast of an ex wife, what woman wants to deal with that mess. He's too passive, what woman wants that. He thinks he going to live normal life in New York, well he can't, things are never going to be the same, no never. I think he may need some individual counseling about how he can adjust to regular life. But, all in all, he appears to be a good father, I don't care what the TLC viewers say. I also think the soon to be ex couple is selfish, well at least Kate because she said "the show must go on". For goodness sake mad woman pull the plug and let the kids have a normal life. Start your own business with the money you have and stop acting so sidity like you came from royalty because you didn't KATE,NEWS FLASH YOU CAME FROM A TRAILER PARK, come back to civilization with rest of us normal folk. Just like a TLC blogger said stop trying to act like a celebrity. You are not a celebrity, I'm sick and tired of reality people thinking their at a celebrity status because they throw a few cameras in your face, your not get over yourself.
At the end of the day, it comes to what's best for the kids and that is pull the plug on the show. The bucks must stop here. Their marriage is ruin, but I'm not sure it's because of the show because from the looks at it Kate was already over-barring. I think that the only difference that the show did was give them a lot of money and and little fame because they still would have gotten a divorce eventually because of the nature of their relationship, it just wouldn't have been done in the public eye.